Johnnie Alexander

Johnnie Alexander, author | The Mosaic Collection

One of the first verses I ever claimed as my own was Proverbs 31:25. The translation I love most reads: Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.

The first part of the verse is almost a mantra, a phrase I repeat to myself when I need courage. Maybe I’m faced with something as simple as a phone call I don’t want to make. Or maybe the situation is much more serious. An ectopic pregnancy. Family tensions. Divorce. A dying parent.

Life takes courage. And at the heart of courage--true courage--is trust. We can smile at the future, no matter what difficult, frightening, horrible situations we face, because of God’s steadfast love and His promise of eternal life with Him.

Be brave and trust in God's steadfast love for you.

About a year before my divorce, I visited a gift shop in our small town. As I walked in the door, my eyes were drawn to a ceramic bluebird perched on a shelf. I cradled it in my hand and smiled at the words on its wing: Be brave.

I placed it back on the shelf, not intending to purchase it even though it had touched my heart. But when I set it down, a clear and sweet whisper surrounded me.

It’s for you.

Several years have passed since then, and my life has taken a path I once thought impossible. While I wish divorce wasn’t part of my story, my trust in God’s promises has only gotten stronger. He had prepared the path I was to walk, with all its pits and snares—and all its joys and triumphs—before I ever knew I’d be on it.

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!”
(1 Chronicles 16:34; ESV).

If the romantic journey isn't enough to leave a reader gnashing her teeth and pulling out her hair, a villainous subplot nearly tipped me over the edge . . . . An excruciatingly thrilling read that broke my heart in places.

~ Kav

Spotlight on Johnnie

Favorite Things

  • Sunshine through a window
  • Dandelions
  • Sprawling trees
  • Freshly-squeezed lemon juice in a glass of ice-cold Pepsi
  • Hugs from the grands
  • My collie’s deep “sighs” (You have to hear it to “know” it!)
  • Typing “The End”
  • Blank books
  • My adult kids laughing about childhood memories
  • Surprise blessings

TBR List

  • All Manner of Things by Susie Finkbeiner
  • Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • The White City by Grace Hitchcock
  • My Dearest Dietrich by Amanda Barratt
  • Under This Same Sky by Cynthia Roehmer

Favorite place to read
I love to read in my comfy spot on the sofa. My little papillon Rugby curls up on the leg rest, and I usually put down the middle console which has a cup-holder for my drink. It’s all very relaxing and cozy. 

Favorite quote or Bible verse
“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.”
Ecclesiastes 11:7

Favorite character you’ve created
This is a toss-up between two of my heroes: Ian Devlin from Where Treasure Hides (WWII historical) and AJ Sullivan from Where She Belongs (contemporary). Ian is known for his heart-flipping grin, and both guys have a mischievous streak. Both are strong, capable, and upright. AJ needs to overcome a childhood of loss, deceit, and painful grief. Ian has his own burden and confronts horrific circumstances as a WWII soldier.

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